oilseed rape

英 [ˌɔɪlsiːd ˈreɪp] 美 [ˌɔɪlsiːd ˈreɪp]

网络  油菜; 欧洲油菜; 芸苔; 油菜籽; 甘蓝型油菜


  1. According to a new analysis by the development board, UK wheat and oilseed rape yields have barely improved since the 1980s, despite genetic developments and better fertilisers.
  2. Effect of Plant Growth Substances on Water-logging Resistance of Oilseed Rape Seedling
  3. Another concern about GM oilseed rape is that insects or the wind could carry pollen with foreign genes into non-GM oilseed rape crops or related species.
  4. The direct toxic effects of oxalic acid on detached leaves, calli, isolated cells and protoplasts of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus) were determined at organ and cell levels.
  5. Influence of Avena fatua on growth of oilseed rape and its economic threshold
  6. The Study of Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape by Agrobacterium-About Bt and Cecropin
  7. And we're gonna plant this, it's oilseed rape.
  8. Selection of Technology Route of Oilseed Rape Mechanization in Entire Production Proceeding in China Application of Mechatronics in engineering machinery
  9. Efficacies of8 herbicides in winter oilseed rape field were compared.
  10. Studies on Effects of Nitrogen Supply of Different Oilseed Rape Cultivars
  11. Chinese scientists have inserted scorpion and moth genes into oilseed rape ( canola) plants to make them poisonous to insects feeding on them.
  12. Graft a vine onto a disease-resistant rootstock Effect of Two Antimicrobial Agents on Sclerotinia Resistance of Oilseed Rape Seedling
  13. Every autumn, when leaves turn red, she plants oilseed rape, because next year oil from the seeds will last her a long time.
  14. Last week, the British government announced that it would approve a strain of genetically modified maize, but would not allow the planting of similarly modified oilseed rape or sugar beet.
  15. Research on Phytoremediation of Lead Polluted Soil by Oilseed Rape
  16. Research on Detection of Nitrogen Nutrition Levels of Oilseed Rape Based on Multispectral Machine Vision
  17. Study on the Relationship of DNA Methylation with Heterosis in Oilseed Rape
  18. The Influence of Different Planting Ways on Output and Economic Benefits of Oilseed Rape
  19. Weeds Investigation of Untilled Oilseed Rape Field with Rice Stubble in Guizhou
  20. Study on Fertilizer Effect of Spring Oilseed Rape under Different Fertilizer Amount by Mulching Plastic Film The change in fertilizer used in the calculation of MPP is the difference between the given level of fertilizer use and the next smaller level of fertilizer use.
  21. The latest results of QTL for yield characters, quality characters and others in oilseed rape were summarized and compared, which provide molecular genetic theory for accelerating rapeseed breeding.
  22. Genetic transformation by Agrobacterium rhizogenes was carried out using hypocotyl segments of cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and oilseed rape.
  23. The current advance was reviewed of genetic linkage map and mapping quantitative trait loci ( QTL) for main quantitative traits in oilseed rape.
  24. Near infrared ( NIR) spectroscopy was applied for the fast and nondestructive determination of malondialdehyde ( MDA) content in oilseed rape leaves.
  25. Management Measures on Drought on Growth and Development of Oilseed Rape
  26. Study of bio-fertilizer on growth promotion of oilseed rape and prevention of Sclerotinia
  27. Nondestructive Determination of Acetolactate Synthase in Oilseed Rape Leaves Using Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy
  28. Study on Fertilizer Effect of "3414" Experimentation for Spring Oilseed Rape in Eastern Qinghai Province
  29. Effects of Different Molybdenum and Nitrogen Application Rate and Osmotic Adjustment Substances on the Growth and the Accumulation and Utilization of Nitrate of Oilseed Rape